K'iche' Maya Women Foodways

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  • IMG_5879.jpeg

    K'o'x is a K'iche' Maya food container to chili ( ik - chile / picante), tzu is made with jicara (local gourd)
  • IMG_5873.jpeg

    Tzima is a K'iche' Maya food container to chili ( ik - chile / picante), tzu is made with jicara (local gourd)
  • IMG_5842.jpeg

    MululĀ  is a K'iche' Maya beverage container that they usually use in especially celebrations and sharing a hot beverage (Joch - atol).
  • IMG_5885.jpeg

    Tzima is a food container that K'iche' women use as a platform used for moving things such as flour, seeds, and beans.
  • IMG_5893.jpeg

    Pak' is a food container that K'iche' women use as a platform used for moving things such as flour, seeds, and beans.
  • IMG_5880.jpeg

    Xortin is a clay pan that K'iche' women use to make food.
  • IMG_5850.jpeg

    Q'eb'al is a clay jar that K'iche' women use to store water.
  • IMG_5337.jpeg

    Meseb'al is a woven broom. K'iche' women use meseb'al to clean wood ashes from heir wood stoves.
  • IMG_5344.jpeg

    Xut'b'al q'aq' is a hand-woven fan blower. K'iche' women use xut'b'al q'aq' to make a fire in their wood stoves.
  • IMG_5311.jpeg

    Tzu is a K'iche' Maya food container to chili ( ik - chile / picante), tzu is made with jicara (local gourd)
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